Friday, June 02, 2006

Things are getting better

hello all. Today is June 1, 2006 and Paul and I went to Celebrate Recovery at our church. I've been going since Nov. 2005 and tonight was Paul's 3rd time going. It was the first Recovery meeting in the new building, we had it in the gym. It was awesome! Paul is willing to be drug tested soon and seems to want to get it done. Since April we haven't had "contact" if you know what I mean because he needs to pass a drug test before we go back to "normal". I will be very proud of him when he passes his test. I also told him that I want him to pass a nicotine test too but that probably won't be til July because he's still smoking. So..right now things are looking up as we attend our Recovery meetings on Thu. nights and as we attend church together and look to JESUS to cure us and to heal our relationship. We need to completely surrender to Jesus and let HIM control our lives because when we try to control them we make our lives an utter mess.

Please continue to pray for Paul to be freed from any and all addictions and that I will work my 12 steps and lean on Jesus to help me with my issues. Thank you for all your prayers.


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