Friday, September 14, 2007

Wow, long time since wrote

I guess with school, I haven't gotten on my blog. I don't think anyone looks at it anyway but if you do...PLEASE POST me something nice so I can reply to you and know I have people looking at it. I am VERY busy with school right now so I don't play online much. What's been happening other than school is that my grandpa died 9/4/07 sometime after 10pm in his nursing home. My grandma is still there and she has Alzheimer's so she doesn't know or realize grandpa is gone. They were married 41 years when he died. Grandpa was married to his first wife 22 years when she died. He was a widow for 10 years in between Margaret and my grandma Virginia. My grandpa was 95 when he died and we buried him on 9/8 in Greenwood. His wake was 9/7 in Zionsville. I cried so much from 9/5-9/9 that I got a really bad sinus infection. I am hoping that grandpa is having a lot of fun in Heaven right now with his first wife, his mother and father, brothers and sisters and his sons. He has 1 living son, 1 living daughter, and 2 step-daughters (my mom and aunt) but he has 3 sons in heaven because he lost a son who was in his 40's in 1992 and twin sons that died over 50 years ago. That's what gets me through the day now without crying is that he is happier where he is and he did live 95 years. Unfortuntely the last time we actually talked with him being in reality was when he was 91. I miss him very much! Hope some people post on my blog soon!

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