Tuesday, January 01, 2008

My grandma died November 19, 2007

I haven't been on my blog in months so I figured I'd better update it. Well, today is January 1, 2008 so HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!! So...remember my grandpa died on 9/4/07 and I wrote about that, well, my grandma died on 11/19/07 which was the week of Thanksgiving. I can't believe that God took her just two months after taking my grandpa. I last saw the both of them on his 95th bday at the nursing home on 8/27/07. I was going to go back to see grandma again in October but it never happened so I was going to just wait until after my 3rd Anatomy and Physiology test was over but she died two weeks before that test.

On Thanksgiving Day my aunt, my cousin and her kids and my mother came over with a lot of pictures of my grandma from her baby years - the 80s. I had pics of her in the 90s that I had taken and my cousin had pics of her that were within the last 2 years and so did I. I was to put the pictures on a DVD to music and make a slideshow to play at the funeral home. I was up all night without any sleep because I was having a heck of a time getting the slideshow to actually burn to the DVD. I ended up going to the viewing the next day without the DVD. All we could do was play the pictures off my hard drive. I finally got a DVD made a week later but forgot some pictures I needed to have on there so I redid the DVD again and made a lot of copies of it for people as Cmas gifts. It's really cool!!! I cry everytime I see it. I hope everyone had a great Cmas and have a Happy New Year!!!!

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